
"If you are walking in Charleston, you are walking on someone's grave."--Sue Bennett, Charleston tour guide

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Blog List Spring 2018

Jan. 29, 2018- Cathedral Church of St. Luke and St. Paul Graveyard

Jennifer Beckman             jenny’s graves blog                       jennysgraves.blogspot.com
Casey Brabham                Casey's Blog                                  Caseybrabhamsblog.blogspot.com
Kristina Broome               Kristina’s Diaries of the Tomb     beyondthegravekristina.blogspot.com
Bryan Brosnan                  Grave Digger                               bryanbrosnan.blogspot.com
Marissa Chappell              To Infinity & Beyond (the grave)   marissascharlestonadventure.blogspot.com
Marina Craig                     FYE Beyond the Grave                  fyecraigme.blogspot.com
Tiana Cute                         The Grave Marker                        Graveyardgurlrawrxd.blogspot.com
Madeline Cybulski            Beyond the Grave                         cybulski15.blogspot.com
Tanner Dawkins                Beyond the Grave with Tanner      tannerdawkins.blogspot.com
Thomas Greene                 Greene Talk                                   greenetalk.blogspot.com
Elizabeth Lathan                Underneath the Dirt                      underneaththedirtcharleston.blogspot.com
Faith Lovett                        Faith Lovett’s Blog                      lovettfm.blogspot.com
Rei Maloy                           Reallyrei                                       reallyrei.blogspot.com
Levi Nathans                       LeviNathans                                Levisgraveblog.blogspot.com
Amanda Nicholson             My Charleston Walks                 beyondthegraveincharleston.blogspot.com
Hannah Rokop                    The Gathering Gloom                Thegatheringgloom.blogspot.com
Caitey Ronan  A glimpse into the Cemeteries of Charleston, SC   charlestongravespots.blogspot.com
Gabrielle Swaney             Gabby’s Graveyards                      gabbysgraveyards.blogspot.com
Hannah Vander Wall         Behind Cemetery Walls                   hvanderwall.blogspot.com

Monday, January 29, 2018

Review of Types of Grave Markers

We will go through this Prezi before going to two nearby church graveyards for our grave marker "scavenger hunt." Click here if unable to open and view this presentation.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Effective Writing Tips and Techniques

This presentation goes over the keys to writing high-quality blog posts for this class. The tips and techniques apply to all writing.  Click here if you cannot view this Prezi.

Types of Grave Markers, Monuments and Memorials

Grave markers come in all shapes and sizes. Here is a guide to the most common types found in Charleston area graveyards and cemeteries. Click here if you cannot view this Prezi.

Researching Grave Sites (St. Patrick's, St. Philip Street)

Here are some things to do during and after visiting graveyards and cemeteries in terms of research methodology. Click here if you cannot open this Prezi.